Compassionate Christian coaching
that helps heal wounds.
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Marriage issues
You may feel like it’s too late. You’re leading separate lives. There’s too much damage done.
Our coaching can help you heal the rift and embark on a new beginning.
Reach out 〉Porn/sex issues
Porn or sex addiction can destroy relationships.
Shame, infidelity, isolation, depression and substance abuse are all possible outcomes of an addiction left untreated. We can help you end the suffering.
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About Matt
Matt is a devout dad and grandpa of 4 kids and 10 grand kids. He is a certified life coach and has over 20,000 hours of study in his world view. He has been coaching people for the last 15 years in a variety of different areas in life. Since 2014, he has focused on helping couples navigate difficulties in their marriages and by helping men obtain freedom from porn, sex addiction and other addictions.

I first met Matt in July 2019 from a referral given to me regarding my pornography addiction. I joined one of his men’s groups immediately and started dealing with my issues. My wife then joined a women’s group with the recommendation from Matt also to be able to better understand the addictions that I had. One of the first things I noticed from Matt is his tireless effort in helping people navigate through their hurts and hang-ups in a Christ-following path. His 24/7/365 dedication to other people is amazing. Working through the programs with Matt has been the best thing for me and my wife. This has absolutely saved my marriage and I can say that I’ve never been happier with myself! Watching Matt work at his ministry has driven me to be a better husband/father/person and I can’t thank him enough. Thanks, Brother!!!!!
- Scott W. ★★★★★
I was addicted to pornography and masturbation from a young age, I brought that addiction into my marriage thinking being married and having someone to meet that need would cure my fleshly desires. When I couldn't stop myself from looking at porn and hurting my wife, I was given an ultimatum to get help or our marriage of 3 months would be over. I sought help at faith chapel, they connected me to Matt, who was getting ready to go through the conquer series. I signed up and went through the conquer series and got a much better understanding of what my addiction was, and why I couldn't stop myself. After the conquer series Matt took 4 of us guys through 7 pillars of freedom, which really helped me understand the wounds I had been medicating and helped me establish sobriety, accountability, and provided the shame-free and judgment-free support I needed. I am so grateful for all the support and grace Matt has shown me. And I'm so grateful for him always pointing the glory and victory back to Christ, just as our addiction is not about sex, the victory is in Christ!
Now Matt is a part of our family and he and my family have a meal together at least once a month. I have also had the opportunity to lead a group through the conquer series and seven pillars of freedom. It challenges me daily to seek Christ for all I need and to always be prepared for the temptation of this world. Thankfully my opportunity to get the help I needed challenged my wife to go through betrayal and beyond and see her own wounds and develop support on navigating that woundedness. This has allowed us to be more vulnerable and open. Not trying to hide our sin but recognizing we both have it and need a savior to overcome it. We are such better spouses because we recognize the brokenness of sin and try every day to outdo each other in showing kindness and love. We are definitely not perfect, but we have tools to help with our struggle and we couldn't have done it alone.- Andy S. ★★★★★
When Andy and I met he was very open and honest with me about his struggles with pornography and sexual addiction. I didn’t realize it would be something that carried over into our marriage. I was adamant that he figure it out because I wouldn’t put up with it in our marriage. It was his issue, not mine, but I was also in need of support from other women who were going through the same thing I was. A few years later I started Betrayal and Beyond. Not only did I find support and get a better understanding of myself, but I also learned how to better love Andy and give him grace in his addiction. I’m so thankful for the support I found in Betrayal and Beyond. The realization that I wasn’t in this alone freed me from the expectation that marriage has to be perfect. Andy and I have grown so much and hope to share what we’ve learned with others!
- Jonelle S. ★★★★★
When I first heard of the program offered at TCC from church, I was had already lost my marriage due to actions that started from pornography addiction. Through a lot of counseling and by the grace of God was on a path to putting my family back together again. I did not want to go back to the old ways that only lead to the destruction of myself and the people I love most. In completing the conquer series and seven pillars, I learned about myself and why I go to pornography and drinking to medicate pain. The program isn’t just a program, It is also going through life with fellow brothers and our Lord so when times get rough, I don’t slip back. I now feel like I’m on the path to continue to be molded into the person that God always intended me to be.
- FN ★★★★★
My husband has struggled with Porn Addiction our whole relationship. After years of trying to get clean and not succeeding, I found it on his phone again. This time a godly mentor we had been seeing referred my husband to Matt and he joined Matt’s Pure Desire group. I was then approached by my husband and Matt to join a Betrayal and Beyond group for women to help understand my husband's addiction as well as help me deal with all the feelings I was going through in dealing with this for so many years. I initially didn’t want to because it wasn’t my problem it was his. Reluctantly I joined. However, it has been such a good thing. My girls in my group are helping me walk through this whole process.
We started seeing Matt as a couple every two weeks also. I feel so blessed that Matt is willing to give so much of himself to help people in crisis. He is a Godly man who continues to encourage people in their spiritual journey as they find healing from the sexual addictions that unfortunately are so common. My husband and I have been with Matt for close to 3 years. My husband has finished the first Pure Desire Class and is now taking part in a second with hopes to one day lead a group. I am still working through my class and it continues to be beneficial to me.
Matt and my leader helped my husband and me through my husband’s full disclosure that took place at the end of his program. It was devastating and heartbreaking and yet with God’s help, I have been able to find forgiveness in my heart for him. We are still working on our marriage of course but this program has been unbelievable in my husband’s life change. We have been happier than we ever have been even through the lies and betrayal that have taken place through the years. We now have hope in our marriage through complete honesty and forgiveness and getting clean from this sexual addiction. God has been with us throughout this whole process and I am so thankful for the peace he continues to give me even in my moments of doubt and sadness.
Matt is willing to give freely of his time even when we are not scheduled to meet with him. He is our biggest cheerleader and wants our marriage to be all that God wants it to be. We can never repay Matt for his love and dedication. I will forever be grateful and he will forever be in our lives. Our hopes are to share our story so that other couples will be encouraged.- CW ★★★★★
I am so thankful for the gift of marriage mentorship from Matt. He continually points us back to Scripture for sound and wise counsel. Keeping your eyes on Jesus, not your circumstances, is something that he encourages me with. Matt has opened his home and heart to our family, and it has been incredibly impactful in our lives. My husband has gone through the 7 Pillars with Matt and has been set free from his pornography addiction. It has been a wonderful resource to help him have a safe place to be open and honest and work through his struggles without any judgement. I see such growth in my husband in his journey, after going through this program. It has also taught me understanding and to have compassion for what he has walked through. Our family is blessed and humbled by Matt and the resources the Lord has provided to help us journey through life.
- Sarah W. ★★★★★
Matt Moler is a dynamic, compassionate. leader, who cares deeply for the covenant marriage. He embodies the commission of disciple maker and disciple, always presenting the truth in a way that leads to conviction without condemnation. I have been able to see the love of Christ through Matt in a way that has helped me break free from the bondage of sexual sin and addiction. Through the 7 pillars of freedom, I have been able to identify the wounds of my past and am now on a pathway of healing. I am glad to call Matt Moler, my mentor and my friend.
- Corey W. ★★★★★
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